Revision Hell
Anyone who reads this will be familiar with the Python issue of using a different version of the language. That is just one glaring example where even users are affected. This is due to old brilliant projects that have stopped maintaining the software. In many other situations, you also need great control over what is running and what libraries are available. Programming in C and C++ uses libraries that often need to be the exact version when you compile. Otherwise, you will be re-writing parts of the software you never intended to touch. Many developers use a container with all the libraries, and all other works happen on the host computer.
The Nix Fix
How does nix take care of this problem? Well, they have all the files in a store with hashes to identify the exact version. The environment you are going to use, then link to the library or execute, is something you would want to use for your current situation. For a running system, you can then use many versions of an application and even libraries. When you want to develop, you create a configuration file that covers the needs of your current project.
Configuration Files
When you have NixOS installed, the configuration.nix will control your environment for the whole computer. With that said, you can control it in every instance of your shell. Irrespective if you have NixOS or run any other distribution, you can use another nix file. The file is called default.nix by default. You can use this to make a directory structure that has a particular environment. The workflow is to create the default nix file to reflect what you want your environment to support. Then change the directory and run nix-build, followed by running the nix-shell. You can also use any name for the file if you specify it on the command line.
$ nix-build # Once, when you have changed something.
$ nix-shell default.nix
The parameter for the nix-shell will be implied, but if you want to have several in one directory, then you can use the switch. With the correct values set, you now have your environment the same every time you start nix-shell. If you move the nix file, you will be able to get the same anywhere! The big issue becomes; what do I put in the nix files?
The files use the Nix expression language, it is almost a programming language.
A few examples
Below, there are a few examples that can help you. There are many more things you can do to tweak your environment. This is a long exciting journey, but it will probably slow you down from the beginning. Before you get there, use other people’s code. This list is short, so look for ideas across the web.
When you want to create a Python project, you would normally use virtual environments. With Nix, this is not necessary. Instead, you can create a shell.nix file that declares which version you want. The simplest way to do this is to use python38Full.
pkgs.mkShell {
# nativeBuildInputs is usually what you want -- tools you need to run
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.python38Full];
This compiles an environment with all parts of the Python 3.8 that comes with NixOS. If you want to minimize your environment, you can choose its particular parts. You can also add your source code remotely with fetch functions.
Python Flask
An example of web development is a flask. It is a very powerful package for making web pages, even really complex ones, without much effort. Since Flask is a popular framework, there is a ready NixOS package for it. The file to control the build for this is called default.nix.
pkgs.python38Packages.buildPythonApplication {
pname = "NixApp";
src = ./.;
version = "0.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ pkgs.python38Packages.flask ];
As you can see, there are packages from nixpkgs that cover flask. If you want to use something else, you add them inside the square brackets. This goes for all types of packages that are included in the NixPkgs repository. If the package does not exist, use a fetcher.
Python Development
If you want to start a Python development environment, you add packages you need according to revision and others.
with pkgs.python37Packages;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "python-devel";
req = ./requirements.txt;
builder = "${bash}/bin/bash";
setup = ./;
buildInputs = [
system = builtins.currentSystem;
shellHook = ''
In the shellHook, between the double apostrophes (”), you can put any scripts you like. Again, think about what might already exist, as there are many smart people out there that are already developing using NixOS.
The standard version to use JavaScript, or more precisely, nodejs, is the nix script below. Name it shell.nix and place it in your project directory, then start with the nix-shell command.
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "node";
buildInputs = [
shellHook = ''
export PATH="$PWD/node_modules/.bin/:$PATH"
This is the simplest, possible trick, although there are much more available. You can see how to add a script that you would otherwise run manually. Use this carefully and look for full alternatives before you do this.
The script below initializes a directory to host a batch of functions where you can run Jupyter. The other packages are for statistics and machine learning. You can also remove and add according to your needs.
in python38.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ geopandas ipython jupyter
jupyterlab matplotlib numpy pandas seaborn toolz ])
For your IDE, editor, or anything, really, you can also bake in your settings. For developers, vim and Emacs will be the first candidates for this specialization. Vim has its own set of plugins available as nixpkgs.
The basis of the packages in NixOS are files that point to sources and what is needed for compiling the packages. You can use this if you are missing a package. As long as you can find the source package, you can use a fetcher to install it. The standard fetcher fetches tarballs but is named fetchurl.
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hello";
src = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
You can use it the way it is in the above code. You also have fetchgit and other version control systems. On top of this, the major git services are covered with fetchFromGitHub, fetchFromGitLab, and more. With all these fetchers, you should be able to find any package you want for NixOS.
Using NixOS requires a bit more effort than other distributions. Having said that, if you want to develop software, the effort is worth it. You will keep your main system cleaner and can hop between projects without creating troublesome conflicts between environments.