
Buyer’s Guide for Bare-metal Hosted Linux Servers

IT infrastructures are moving to the cloud and an increasing number of companies are relocating their hardware resources to make use of a flexible rental model. Specialized web hosting providers offer various usage models for individuals and professionals. It is not unusual for these models to appear with new terms that do not correspond to an innovative concept.

The creative ideas of the hosting sector are very attractive, although they leave users somewhat perplexed. For example “cloudification” of bare-metal servers is an interesting concept. Below, I explain what this type of server is and under what circumstances this web hosting product should be considered.

In this guide, you will learn detailed information about the bare-metal environment. After reading, you will be able to make simple decisions about bare-metal server functionality and how these servers can fit into your IT infrastructure. You will also be able to make a decision between a multi-tenant server and a single-tenant server, whether you are creating the cloud or bare-metal server. For an example of real world bare metal hosting check out Inmotion Hosting’s Bare Metal Server Hosting offering.

What Is A Bare-metal Server?

The physical computer, designed specifically for running the dedicated services without any interruptions, is called a bare-metal server. These dedicated services last for an extended period. These servers are generally based in a single-tenant environment where single service physical resources are not shared with two or more tenants.

Free of the Noisy Neighbor Effect

When there is physical separation in Bare-metal servers, they are free of the noisy neighbor effect, which can interrupt virtual environments. Performance is also enhanced due to the isolation of the bare-metal server. With a bare-metal server, you can save and manage large volumes of data.

The name “bare-metal” (bare or exposed metal) shows that this product refers to a concept based on the physical aspect of web hosting, or hardware. A bare-metal server is nothing other than what was previously called a “dedicated server,” that is, a computer in the data center or hosting provider whose resources are available only and exclusively to a client, to which the nomenclature of “single-tenant server” also applies. This is how a bare-metal server differs from classic shared hosting products, like virtual servers, in that the web projects of different clients are hosted on the same hardware fundamentals within separate virtual machines.

Direct Access to the Server

Direct access to the server is another significant benefit of using a bare-metal server. With this feature, you may apply the abilities and advantages of all underlying hardware architectures according to your needs. The virtual machines are multi-tenants and bare-metal servers are single-tenant. With virtual machines, you have a guest OS on top of the hypervisor. If you have a virtual machine, you can get a guest OS on top of the hypervisor and on top of the physical hardware. You have admittance to the guest OS as a user and also have admittance to the management interface; but, unfortunately, you cannot have direct entrance to the physical hardware.

If we talk about bare-metal servers as a user, you may access the underlying architecture. One of the benefits of this Direct Access is that you can have more options when you are thinking of creating your own platform that will host a service or application.

Better Performance of Bare Metal Servers

Bare-metal servers show better performance than the virtual environment as bare-metal servers do not require the use of several layers of software to function. But unfortunately, in the virtual environment, we have at least one edition of Bare-metal servers that does not require the use of several layers of software. In the virtual machine, there will always be least one more layer of software.

We can say that a bare-metal server is similar to having your own home, where you can customize it in any you would like. Except in Bare-metal servers, you do not have to deal with the noisy neighbors. On the other hand, a public cloud multi-tenant virtualized environment is like having an apartment that is on rent where many people are interfering with your decisions.

Advantages of Dedicated Web Hosting

Accessing the root: In the dedicated hosting provider, you will have full access to a single server. You will not have to worry about the websites clogging the CPU and RAM.

  • The administration is limited to project directories. In contrast, every bare-metal server offers unlimited administration possibilities, giving users maximum freedom in terms of installing software components and configuring the server.
  • Dedicated hardware: On shared hosting platforms, virtual machines are independent of each other due to encapsulation. Bare-metal servers, on the other hand, exclude these so-called noisy neighbor effects, alterations in the performance and stability of a virtual server by adjacent web projects. Hardware resources such as hard drive, CPU, and RAM are used only by the tenant of the server.

Structure of a Bare-Metal Server

The structure of a bare-metal server depends on the user’s requirements, but in general, two scenarios can be distinguished: traditional bare-metal servers and bare-metal servers with the hypervisor.

  • Traditional bare-metal servers: We can designate the traditional bare-metal server as the dedicated server where it is operated by the user administration. Such programs run directly on the OS.
  • Bare-metal servers: You will achieve enhanced physical isolation with the help of bare-metal servers full stop. The good thing about the bare-metal server is that it has great processing power and complete control of the software. There are more consistent disks and network performance.
  • User applications: These do not run directly on the hypervisor, but instead run separately on virtualized guest operating systems. The most common hypervisors are KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine or kernel-based virtual machine), the native virtualization function of the Linux kernel, the Hyper-V client from Microsoft, vSphere from VMware, or the Citrix XenServer.

Hardware Resources

Hardware resource is very important in the case of bare-metal servers and there are many services which are used for underwear of metal hosting. You can use the bare-metal cloud in this sense. The bare-metal hosting product gives users extensive server access permissions while control of a shared hosting client is limited to a single virtual machine. User-managed software components (OS) on a bare-metal server or hypervisor are installed on the hardware.

User-Controlled Virtualization Software

The bare-metal product market is dominated by hypervisor-based models. Using user-controlled virtualization software, this hosting concept makes it easy to install virtual machines.

For Which Users Is Bare-Metal Hosting Appropriate?

Users must perform a variety of complex projects in the field of web bare-metal hosting to use this kind of server, which has dedicated hardware and can be used for getting high traffic on pages and online stores. In addition, database or application servers in the corporate environment have to meet special security requirements and are also hosted on bare-metal servers.

  • Individual Configuration

Root access allows individual configuration without resorting to intermediate solutions. The user will decide which type of project he or she is configuring. and whether he or she requires the single operating system or requires separation of the system across multiple systems. This can be possible with the help of standalone visualization software.

  • Dedicated Hardware

In this sense, while the classic virtual server falls into a mid-price segment, the effort required to implement dedicated hardware is generally linked to higher costs. In addition, bare-metal servers are aimed at business clients and professional web projects, while individuals who manage leisure or semi-professional pages find shared hosting a more suitable option.

Why Choose a Bare-Metal Server?

People are using bare-metal servers on a large scale in both small businesses and large businesses. This is because the bare-metal servers provide high quality services at a low cost. Users can also easily use and scale resources.

Some say that other hosting options are better than bare-metal servers. But this is not the case, and bare-metal servers are an extremely popular option in many industries where emphasis is placed on the unique characteristics of the platform and show the high-performance power at security.

Benefits of Using Bare-Metal Servers

There are many benefits of bare-metal hosted Linux servers which make these servers superior to virtual machines.

  • High Performance

Bare-metal services are famous for high performance and amazing features. These servers are also able to hyperthread in the CPU and change the BIOS and IPMI configuration. If there is big data workload, then bare-metal servers provide ‘DenseIO’ and ‘HPC Instance,’ which is Oracle’s most powerful configuration. Oracle is famous for massively parallel HPC high-performance computing workloads.

  • Customization

Bare-metal servers come highly customizable and provide lots of storage. If you need NVM Storage for high IOPS, then a bare-metal server is ideal. You can also use bare-metal servers for storage, from unique Ram to CPU ratio or RAID level.

  • Dedicated Resources

If you use bare-metal cloud then it will provide you with high-performance computing without visualization for hypervisor overhead. Bare-metal cloud is made for all computing cycles and resources in a dedicated way.

  • Added Security

With bare-metal servers, you can easily integrate many things. For example, you can control the security measures like a full end-to end-encryption. With bare-metal servers, you can have Intel-entrusted execution and open attestation.

  • Full Hardware Control

Now, you will have full control of the hardware environment because of the bare-metal servers, which are especially important in integrating SAN storage. You may also control the specific Firewall that other unique appliances required by the applications with the help of bare-metal servers.

  • Cost Predictability

Bare-metal servers are the best in terms of cost predictability, as the bare-metal servers come with additional bandwidth. So you will not have to worry about the bandwidth cost overages which usually cause many significant variations in cloud consumption cost. This consideration is a major concern for many organizations.

  • Efficient Computer Resources

You may have more cost-effective computer resources because of the bare-metal cloud, especially when you compared to the virtual machines-based model for simple computing capacity. With the help of bare-metal servers, you will have the best computer resources in terms of memory storage and cores.

How to Manage Bare-metal Servers

In this section we will discuss some management techniques for cloud hosted bare metal servers.

Password Management

Take careful consideration when setting your password and update it regularly. These passwords include the root and administrative user’s passwords.

Setting up and Monitoring Firewall

You may prohibit unwanted traffic if you have the hardware and software. The firewall rules can also take care of. By setting the firewall rules, you will be able to stop the traffic if you do not wish to enter large draw traffic. The only thing which you have to consider is which ports you need to open and for what purpose you are opening it. Unfortunately, there is not the solution of setting the firewalls.

Managing the Updates and Patches

You must perform daily updates of the operating system and you should also install any necessary software. You can protect yourself from many attacks from the outside when you perform regular updates.

Monitoring the Bare Metal Servers

Monitoring the bare-metal server is very important, as you can monitor the significant operational metrics of the server switches and firewalls.

Operational Management of Bare-Metal Servers

Operational management of bare-metal servers is very important, as it involves many vital tasks, such as domain name, services data, migration, bare-metal backup recovery, hardware replacement, etc.

Remote Hands

This is the primary requirement for appropriate server management of the bare-metal environment.

Monitoring and Setting of Firewalls

In bare-metal servers, it is necessary to monitor and set firewall. These are set by the user, and can limit traffic by destination IP address. You can also control IP protocol or other services in the Bare-metal server.

New Technology

Bare-metal infrastructure is also helping companies to take advantage of new technologies in an exciting way. For example, you can improve your level of performance with the help of containers of bare-metal environment.

In other words, we can say that containers take the place of virtual machines in the field of resource usage. This is why machines have minimal overload, where all the containers use very little memory.

So, with the help of containers, bare-metal servers are on the top as they provide the perfect environment for developing applications. All this is made possible with the help of containers. With this computing, you can control big data, analytics, visualization, and mathematics.

How to Set Up Bare-metal Servers

Identify the Requirements

Any organizations thinking of setting bare-metal servers should be aware of how they plan on using the servers. You should consider three important things: a database server, an application server, and a network device. For every organization, the case is different, and requires different configurations. You must have all required information about setting up the bare-metal servers.

Database Software Options and Control Panels

In bare-metal servers, the concept of bare means a clean slate. This provides the user the opportunity to choose the underlying relational database software, the control panel, and the operating system. You may also pick up the control panel add-ons to which you have root access. In this way, you are in full control of the bare-metal hosted Linux server. You might also create a visual environment that determines the setting of your own hypervisor. Keep in mind that when you do implement these kinds of modifications, it will require data deletion.

Configuration and Non-Configured Setups

To control the specific workloads, off-the-shelf configurations are made. Your data will be saved with the help of the managed service providers. This way, your data will not be lost or distract from the off-the-shelf configuration. The service also controls heavy graphical processing and other types of specialized workloads. Your organization will require a particular configuration and there are many sales teams that are there for you to help you get the right bare-metal server.

Bare Metal Hosted Linux Servers Are Cost-Effective

Bare-metal hosted Linux servers are certainly cost-effective, but you have to keep some considerations in mind. These servers usually take more time to operate. You should also know how to implement bare-metal servers. When adding new capacity you have less elasticity than with virtual machines.

When you are connected to the hardware, if you have any problems, then it will have a huge impact on your work. So, you must know how to manage the bare-metal hosted Linux servers, as there should be no chance of mistake when managing these servers.

There are cloud-based solutions that can be implemented by not linking the server instance to a single physical machine.

To Lease or To Buy?

Buying the Bare Metal Hosted Linux Servers

It all depends on your needs and requirements when you have decided to lease or buy. When you have purchased the server, then you will have maximum access to the hardware, but all this comes at a price.

Lease a Bare Metal Server

Living off the bare-metal server is a very useful and convenient option. Scaling the bare-metal servers is very important and should be performed in the best way. You must use the right conditions for scaling the bare-metal servers. Many large businesses are using the lease method. The lease method is a simple one and also it is not very costly.

Importance of Server Location

The next step is the server location. The main purpose of maintaining the bare-metal hosted Linux server is delivering the speediest result. This is very crucial because the Slow speed impacts the businesses in a very bad way. The server location is very important where the response time matters a lot. If you want to avoid the data passing through multiple processes before service delivery then you must have a proper server location.


On-premise, the most important considerations are proximity to automated cooling temperature and humidity and also the service of physical safety.

Importance of Public Bandwidth

To run the bare-metal hosted Linux server, you must use public bandwidth. With the help of public bandwidth, the traffic volume is going to increase every month. If you think that your traffic volume is increasing, then you must upgrade your service plan as soon as possible.

Raid Setup

The main issue you may encounter while setting up the server could be hard disk drive failure. Also, you will not able to manage the task, as replacing the hard disk drive will result in loss of the precious data. So, for this purpose, RAID is made.


Metal hosted Linux servers are now an essential part of the IT infrastructure of many businesses and companies. They are also offering the best current technology. You can raise your status globally as a service provider because of the bare-metal server with amazing infrastructure.

About the author


Abbas Jamil

Abbas Jamil is an aspiring writer from Pakistan. He is a Software Engineer and recently finished his Master in Artificial intelligence. He loves writing about technology and all the latest gadgets. Explore more about abbas Here.