The join function concatenates the elements of an array into a single string. The syntax for the join function is as follows:
Here, separator is the string or string used to separate elements of the array; it can be any character or string, such as the space character (i.e., “ ”) or a string like “xyz”, but a comma is used as the default.
Now, let’s look at some examples.
First, we declare an array of letters.
We can call the join function for this array without providing a separator as follows, which will return the all characters from the array separated by commas:
Now, let’s see what will happen if we provide the space character as a separator:
Here, in the string returned, the array elements are separated by the space character instead of a comma.
We can provide any character or string as a separator. If we want to put “ and ” between the array’s elements, we can do that as follows:
Here, every alphabet is separated by the “ and ”, which might be very useful for certain applications. Any string can be provided as a separator for joining an array’s elements in the same way.
This article explains JavaScript’s join function and provides some useful examples. We can provide any string we want as a separator to join an array’s elements.
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