Kamran Sattar Awaisi – Linux Hint https://linuxhint.com Exploring and Master Linux Ecosystem Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:06:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.2 How to Install Steam on Linux Mint 20? https://linuxhint.com/install-steam-on-linux-mint-20/ Fri, 05 Mar 2021 15:34:38 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=93001
Developed by Valve Corporation, steam is a multi-platform application for playing games.  There are 30,000+ games available on Steam. Using Steam, you can meet and interact with new people.

It can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the Software Manager utility, from the terminal using the apt command, and from the steam official website.

Installing Steam on Linux Mint 20 from the Software Manager

Open the Application Menu and search ‘Software Manager’.

Open the Software Manager utility, you will find the Steam application on the dashboard because it is very popular. In case, steam is not available on the Dashboard screen, then write Steam in the search bar.

Select the Steam application and click ‘Install’.

Authentication is required to install Steam on Linux Mint 20, enter the password and click ‘Authenticate’.

The installation will start immediately. Once Steam is successfully installed, you can launch it by clicking ‘Launch’.

Installing Steam on Linux Mint 20 from the Command Line

Steam is included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories. Open the terminal and update the apt listing:

$ sudo apt update

Next, install Steam using the command:

$ sudo apt install steam

The Steam will be installed successfully.

Installing Steam on Linux Mint 20 from the Steam official webpage

The standard repositories do not contain the latest version of applications. If you want to install Steam’s latest stable version, then it is the recommended method for you.

Complete the below-given steps to install Steam on Linux Mint 20 from the Steam official webpage:

Step 1: Download Steam’s Debian package
Open the browser and visit the Steam official webpage (https://store.steampowered.com/). Click on ‘Install Steam’.

Next, the Steam Debian package will appear. Click on ‘INSTALL STEAM’.

Choose ‘Save File’ and click ‘OK’.

Steam’s Debian package will be downloaded in the ‘Downloads’ directory. Fire up the terminal and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory with the command:

$ cd Downloads

Next, type the below-given command to install Steam:

$ sudo apt install ./steam_latest.deb

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Steam from the Debian package.

The Steam will be installed successfully on Linux Mint 20.

Getting started with Steam on Linux Mint 20

Once you have installed Steam on Linux Mint 20 using any of the methods, open the Application Menu and search for Steam.

Click on the ‘Steam’ application and some required packages will be downloaded. It will take some time and it depends on the internet speed.

When the additional packages are downloaded and installed successfully, Steam’s dashboard screen will appear. Create a new account or use an existing account to log in.

Once you have logged in to Steam, search for your favorite games and enjoy using them.

Remove Steam from Linux Mint 20

If you no longer require Steam and wish to remove it, type the below-given command to do so:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove steam-launcher

Press ‘y’ to continue removing Steam.

The Steam will be removed completely.


Steam is a popular game engine developed by Valve Corporation. Steam can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the Software Manager, using the apt command, and Debian package. Using Steam, you can enjoy your favorite games on Linux and interact with new people as well.

How to Install PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20? https://linuxhint.com/install-php-8-on-linux-mint-20/ Fri, 05 Mar 2021 14:46:41 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=92982

Being a popular server-side scripting language, PHP is used in the creation of dynamic websites, content management systems, and many famous frameworks such as Laravel, WordPress, etc which are developed in PHP. As of preparing this post, the latest stable release of PHP is 8.2.

Installing PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20

PHP 8 is not included in the Linux Mint 20 standard repositories. However, it can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the Ondřej Surý PPA repository.

Complete the below-given steps to install PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20:

Step 1: Update apt cache
Fire up the terminal and update the apt repository cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Install dependencies
Next, install the required dependencies for PHP 8:

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common

The required dependencies are installed successfully.

Step 3: Add Ondřej PPA repository
Now, add the Ondřej Surý PPA repository with the command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Once the Ondřej Surý PPA repository is successfully added, update the apt repository cache again with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 4: Install PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20
Install PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20 with the command:

$ sudo apt install php8.0

The PHP 8 will be installed on Linux Mint 20.

Type the below-given command if you want to get PHP 8 as Apache Module:

$ sudo apt install php8.0 libapache2-mod-php8.0

Press ‘y’ to continue installing PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20.

Both above-mentioned commands will install PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20

Once the PHP 8 is successfully installed, check the installed version and verify the installation with the command:

$ php --version

The PHP 8.0.2 is installed on Linux Mint 20.

If you have installed PHP as an apache module, restart the apache server when the PHP is installed:

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

Installing the PHP extensions on Linux Mint 20

The PHP extension enhances the functionality of PHP. Extensions are the PHP libraries and can be installed on Linux Mint 20 using the apt command as follows:

$ sudo apt install php8.0-<em>extension_name</em>

Have a look at the available PHP extensions with the command:

$ sudo apt-cache search php | grep php-

Let’s install the PHP MySQL extension with the command:

$ sudo apt install php8.0-mysql

The MySQL extension will be installed successfully.

Remove PHP 8 from Linux Mint 20

At any point, if you wish to remove PHP 8 from Linux Mint, run the below-given command to do so:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove php8.0

Press ‘y’ to continue removing PHP 8.


A lot of programmers use PHP for creating websites. Installing PHP 8 on Linux Mint 20 is easy and straightforward. PHP 8 is available from the Ondřej Surý repository. This article explains PHP 8 installation on Linux Mint 20.

How to Install Python 3.9 on Linux Mint 20? https://linuxhint.com/install-python-3-9-linux-mint/ Thu, 04 Mar 2021 16:58:29 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=92837 Python is popular and is almost used in every type of computer science project. However, it has gained a lot of popularity in Artificial intelligence and its associated fields like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, etc.

Python 3.9 is the latest major release of Python. It is leveraged with many updates.

Python 3.9 is available from the deadsnakes PPA repository. Moreover, we can also build Python on Linux Mint 20 from the source code.

Installing Python 3.9 on Linux Mint 20 from the PPA repository

Installing Python 3.9 on Linux Mint 20 from the deadsnakes PPA repository is very easy and straightforward.

Perform the below-given steps to install Python 3.9 on Linux Mint 20 from the deadsnakes repository:

Step 1: Update apt cache
Fire up the terminal and update the apt cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Install the dependencies
Next, type the command to install the required dependencies that are a prerequisite of Python 3.9:

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common

Step 3: Add PPA repository
Next, add the PPA repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Step 4: Install Python 3.9
Install Python 3.9 as follows:

$ sudo apt install python3.9

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Python 3.9.

Step 5: Verify the Python 3.9 installation
After installing Python 3.9, verify the installation with the command:

$ python3.9 --version

Python 3.9 is successfully installed on Linux Mint 20.

Note: In case if you face any dependency issue after installing Python 3.9, then run the below-given command to fix the issue:

$ sudo apt-get -f install

Installing Python 3.9 on Linux Mint 20 from the source code

This is another way of installing Python 3.9 Linux Mint 20. It is not recommended to install Python 3.9 from the source code. However, you may need it in various situations.

Perform the below-given steps to install Python 3.9:

Step 1: Install required dependencies for Python 3.9
First, update the apt repository and install dependencies:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev build-essential libreadline-dev wget libbz2-dev

Step 2: Get the Python 3.9 source code
Next, get the latest Python 3.9 source code with the wget command:

$ wget <a href="https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.1/Python-3.9.1.tgz">https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.1/Python-3.9.1.tgz</a>

Step 3: Extract Python 3.9 source code tar file
When the Python 3.9 source code tar file is downloaded, extract the archive with the command:

$ tar -xf Python-3.9.1.tgz

Step 4: Run configure script
Next, navigate to the Python 3.9.1 directory and run the configure script:

$ cd Python-3.9.1

$ ./configure --enable-optimizations

The –enable-optimizations run the various tests and improves the configuration process.

Step 5: Build Python 3.9
Once Python 3.9 is configured, the next step is to build it with the command:

$ make -j

To make the build process faster, you can also specify the number of cores with the –j option as follows:

$ make -j 8

Step 6: Install Python libraries
Next, install Python 3.9 with the command:

$ sudo make altinstall

The altinstall will overwrite the existing Python3 binary.

Python 3.9 is installed successfully.


Python 3.9 is the newest release of Python. It is available from the deadsnakes repository and source code. This post explains the Python 3.9 installation on Linux Mint 20.

How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint? https://linuxhint.com/enable-blue-light-filter-on-linux-mint/ Tue, 02 Mar 2021 13:59:27 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=92463

The human eyes can filter the ultraviolet and many other harmful radiations of the sun. However, the eyes cannot filter the blue light. The excessiveness of blue light puts the strain on the eyes. Moreover, blue light passes the signal to the mind that it is daytime even if you are using blue light in the nighttime. Overall, blue light is harmful to humans because it interrupts the regular sleep-wake system, which ultimately damages our immune system.

Filtering the blue light is a very important activity to perform on your system. Redshift is free and open-source software that automatically adjusts the color of the screen based on temperature, your current location, and daytime.

In this article, we will learn to install Redshift on Linux Mint for enabling the blue light filter.

We are using Linux Mint 20 for executing the commands and preparing this guide. Redshift can be installed on Linux Mint from the Software Manager and Linux Mint 20 standard repositories.

Installing Redshift on Linux Mint from the Software Manager:

Redshift comes pre-installed on Linux Mint 20. However, if you uninstalled it, and want to reinstall it, then you can easily do so from the Software Manager.

To install Redshift from the Software Manager, Click on Application Menu and search for Software Manager.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image6 final.png

Click on the “Software Manager” application icon to open it. Then, type ‘Redshift’ in the search bar. You will see Redshift and Redshift-gtk applications. Install any of the packages, we are installing the Redshift package on our Linux Mint 20 system.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image8 final.png

Select the application and click on ‘Install’ to install it in your system.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image7 final.png

You need to authenticate before installing any new package. Enter the password and click on “Authenticate”.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image10 final.png

The installation will start automatically after providing the authentication.

Once the Redshift is successfully installed, you can click on ‘Launch’ to open it.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image2 final.png

Installing Redshift on Linux Mint via terminal:

Redshift is included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories and can be installed using apt command via terminal.

Open the terminal and update the apt listing:

$ sudo apt update

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image1 final.png

Now, install Redshift with the given command:

$ sudo apt install redshift

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image4 final.png

Enabling Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint:

Once the Redshift is installed successfully, enable the Redshift by typing on the terminal:

$ redshift

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image3 final.png

Redshift will get the information of your location, as well as the time period. It will set the blue light according to this information.

The Redshift icon appears on the system icon tray, select the Redshift from the system icon tray, and click on “Info” to get the information of light.

D:\Kamran\Feb\19\How to enable Blue Light Filter on Linux Mint\Article\images\image5 final.png

The output shows the status, location, color temperature, and period information.


The excessive blue light puts a strain on the eyes that can damage the eye-sight. The computer screen emits the blue light, and controlling or filtering the blue light on any operating system is a very important activity. Redshift allows us to enable the blue light filter on Linux Mint. We can install it from the Software Manager application and terminal. This post explicates the installation of Redshift and enabling blue light filer on Linux Mint.

How to Use Shells to Create a Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop? https://linuxhint.com/create-virtual-cloud-linux-desktop-using-shells/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:56:31 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91783

Sign Up for Shells.com Now

Virtual desktops are preinstalled images of operating systems on a cloud server in which the desktop environment is isolated from the actual computer used to access it. The Virtual cloud desktop can be accessed remotely over the network. Simply, if we define the Virtual cloud desktop, then we can say that it is a desktop system placed over a remote cloud server, and users can access it on their devices like a Phone, Tablet, and iPad with the help of the internet.

Shells is an online platform that provides you a powerful virtual desktop environment over a cloud computer. Using Shells service, you can create the Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop.

In this guide, we will learn how to use Shells to create a Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop.

Creating a Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop using Shells

Creating a virtual cloud Linux desktop using shells is comprised of many steps. Complete the below-given steps to create a virtual cloud Linux desktop using shells:

Step 1: Open your browser and visit the Shells official webpage (Shells – Personal Workspaces Powered by Cloud Computers).

On the dashboard screen of Shells.com, by clicking on “Why Shells,” you can explore what is special about Shells and why it could be your first choice for using Cloud Linux Desktop.

Shells are not free for use, and it offers many subscription plans for their user. Click on ‘Pricing’ to know about Shells pricing plans.

Step 2: Press ‘Join Now’ to make a new account. First, choose an appropriate monthly or yearly plan from the given list of plans.

Next, enter the data in all the required fields, i.e., email, name, password.

You will also require to add the billing details. After adding the billing details, click on ‘ORDER.’

Step 3:  Once you have chosen the subscription plan and created the account, click on “Sign In.”

Type the email address that you used while creating the account. Moreover, you can also sign in with the Twitter, Google, and Apple account. If you are interested in signing in with the email account, press ‘Next’ after entering the email.

Now, enter the password and click ‘Next.’

Step 4: Upon successful sign-in, you will see the dashboard screen.

On the dashboard screen, your shell will be displayed. Now click on the screen type icon.

A list of Linux operating systems will be displayed. Select the Linux operating system that you want to use as a Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop. I regularly use Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop for my daily and official use; therefore, I am selecting Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop application.

Once you have selected the Linux Desktop, click on the play icon, and your virtual Linux Desktop will start.

Now click on the screen type icon, and your virtual Linux desktop is accessible online. This is my dedicated virtual Linux desktop, and my name can be observed on the Desktop screen.

Now let’s fire up the terminal and update the apt repository cache:

$ sudo apt update

To stop the Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop, click on the stop icon, and it will be stopped.

Accessing the Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop from mobile devices

Using Shells, we can access our virtual cloud Linux Desktop from the mobile devices over the network. On your mobile device, open the browser and visit Shells official webpage. Perform the sign-in steps, and your dashboard screen will appear. Start the virtual cloud Linux desktop, and it will be ready for use.

Editing the Virtual Cloud Linux Desktop

Once you have created the virtual cloud Linux Desktop, you can also edit it. For instance, if you selected the Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop previously and now want to use the Manjaro Desktop, it is possible in Shells.

From the dashboard screen, click on Edit.

Now, select the reinstall option.

Select the desired operating system from the given list and click on ‘NEXT.’

You will receive a verification code at your registered email address. Type the verification code and click on confirm.

The reinstallation will start. Once the Linux desktop is reinstalled, click on ‘Back.’

Your new virtual desktop will be ready to use.


Virtual desktops are preinstalled operating systems on a cloud server and can be accessed remotely over the internet. Shells is an online platform that provides services for creating the virtual cloud-based desktop. Using Shells, you can create many virtual Linux desktops and can access them using the internet. This article focuses on how to use Shells to create a virtual cloud Linux desktop. Moreover, we have also demonstrated how to access the virtual desktop on mobile devices.

Sign Up for Shells.com Now

How to Install Yarn on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-yarn-linux-mint/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:45:50 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91638

Yarn is a JavaScript package and dependency management tool that helps users to automate the tasks of installing, updating, removing, and configuring NPM packages. Yarn is an open-source package manager that saves a lot of time for JavaScript programmers because it creates a cache of downloaded packages. Using Yarn, a programmer can easily access and re-use a package without re-downloading it every time.

This article shows you how to install Yarn on Linux Mint 20.

Installing Yarn on Linux Mint 20

The Yarn tool is not included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories. However, Yarn can be installed by adding the official repository of Yarn. To install Yarn from the official repository, fire up the terminal, and follow the steps provided below:

Step 1: Update APT Cache

As always, first, update the apt cache with the following command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Curl

The Curl command is required to fetch Yarn’s GPG key. Curl comes pre-installed on Linux Mint 20. However, if Curl is not installed on your system, then install it with the following command:

$ sudo apt install curl

Step 3: Import GPG Key of Yarn Repository

After the successful installation of Curl, import the Yarn repository’s GPG key using the command given below:

$ curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

The ‘OK’ confirms that the GPG key has been imported successfully.

Step 4: Add Yarn Repository

Once the GPG key has been imported, add the Yarn repository. The following command will add and enable the Yarn repository:

$ echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" |
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

Step 5: Install Yarn

First, update the apt cache before installing Yarn:

$ sudo apt update

Next, install Yarn using the following command:

$ sudo apt install yarn

Yarn requires 36.0 MB of additional disk space. If you agree to this, press ‘y’ to continue installing Yarn.

The above command will also install NodeJS. If you have already installed NodeJS, then skip the above command, and install Yarn with the command given below:

$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends yarn

Step 6: Check Installed Version of Yarn

Once Yarn has been installed successfully, verify the installation and check the installed version with the following command:

$ yarn --version

The output above shows that Yarn version 1.22.5 has been installed successfully on the Linux Mint 20 system.

How to Remove Yarn from Linux Mint 20

If you no longer require Yarn and want to remove it from your Linux Mint 20 system, then it is very easy and straightforward to remove.

Issue the following command in the terminal to remove Yarn completely from your system:

$ sudo apt remove--autoremove yarn

Press ‘y’ to continue removing Yarn.


This article showed you how to install Yarn on Linux Mint 20. The article also showed you how to remove Yarn completely from your system. You can manage NPM packages very easily and efficiently using Yarn. Yarn’s repository is regularly maintained by the developers and contains the latest stable version.

How to Install MySQL on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04? https://linuxhint.com/install-mysql-linux-mint-ubuntu/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 01:57:18 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91661 MySQL is an open-source, simple, and relational database that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to manage and manipulate the data. MySQL is an essential part of the LAMP (https://linuxhint.com/install-lamp-stack-ubuntu/) stack. As of the writing, the newest version of MySQL is 8.0.23.

This post explains the MySQL installation on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing MySQL on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04

Fire up the terminal and update the apt repository cache before installing MySQL:

$ sudo apt update

Next, install the MySQL server with the command:

$ sudo apt install mysql-server

Press ‘y’ to continue installing the MySQL server.

Once the MySQL server is successfully installed, check the installed version and verify the installation using the command:

$ mysql --version

Upon successful installation, the MySQL service will start automatically. To check the status of the MySQL server, run the command:

$ sudo systemctl status mysql

The output shows that the MySQL service is active and running.

Configuring the MySQL on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04

The mysql_secure_installation script, which comes by default with the MySQL installation, allows us to secure the MySQL security.

Run the mysql_secure_installation script with the command:

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

During the execution of the mysql_secure_installation script, you will be displayed various prompts. First, you will see three levels of a password validation policy. You are supposed to press ‘y’ to set up a password. Further, select the password level by entering the respective numeric digit.

Moreover, enter the password and re-enter the password for confirmation. The command line will display the estimated strength of the password.

Additionally, you will be prompted to remove the anonymous users, test databases, and reload the privileges table. Press’ y or n’ according to your choice, and the configuration will be performed successfully.

Creating new user

To start with MySQL server from the command line, use the command:

$ sudo mysql

The MySQL interactive shell will start. Once the MySQL server is set up, the MySQL creates a root user that can manage the databases and perform various administrative actions.

Moreover, you can also create a new user in the MySQL server. While creating a new user, enter a username and password. Follow the below-given syntax to create a new user:

CREATE USER user_name@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

After successfully creating the new user, you can grant the privileges to the user as follows:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *. * TO user_name@'localhost';

The *.* will grant all types of privileges to the newly created user.

It is advisable to flush the privileges. It will free up the extra memory that the server cached while creating a new user.

Logging into MySQL server and create a database

Now let’s login to the MySQL server and create a new database. To perform a login, use the command:

$ mysql -u username –p

Enter the password that you have set before for this user, and MySQL interactive shell will start.

For creating a new database, execute the command:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

To see the list of all available databases, type the command:

show databases;


MySQL is a very popular and open-source relational database. The MySQL server is included in Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04 standard repositories. This article explains the MySQL installation on two popular Linux distros, i.e., Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04.

How to Install Papirus Icon Theme on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-papirus-icon-theme-linux-mint/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 00:32:52 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91691 Papirus is a popular and eye-catching icon theme. The Papirus icon theme works with various desktop environments, i.e., Cinnamon, GNOME, Unity, etc., and is available in multiple variants. It can be installed on Linux Mint from the PPA repository, installer script, and Debian package.

In this post, we will learn how to install the Papirus icon theme on Linux Mint 20.

Installing Papirus theme on Linux Mint 20 from PPA repository

Fire up the terminal and type the below-given command to add the papirus PPA repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus

Press ‘Enter’ to continue adding the papirus PPA repository.

The PPA repository will be added successfully.

Next, update the apt repository cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Lastly, install the Papirus icon theme using the command:

$ sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme

Papirus icon theme will be installed successfully in Linux Mint 20.

Installing Papirus icon theme on Linux Mint 20 from installer script

We can download the latest updated Papirus icon theme script from GitHub and install it.

First, update the apt repository cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Now, download the Papirus icon theme installer script with the command:

$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/
papirus-icon-theme/master/install.sh | sh

The latest Papirus icon theme is successfully downloaded and installed.

Installing Papirus icon theme on Linux Mint 20 using Debian package

The Papirus icon theme is also available from the Debian package. Open your browser and visit the link

(https://launchpad.net/~papirus/+archive/ubuntu/papirus/+packages?field.name_filter=papirus-icon-theme) to download the Debian package.

Select the Debian package.

Choose ‘Save File’ and click ‘OK.’

The Papirus Debian package will be downloaded in the ‘Downloads’ directory. Open the terminal and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory with the command:

$ cd Downloads

Next, type the below-given command to install the Papirus icon theme from the Debian package:

$ sudo apt install ./papirus-icon-theme_20210201-5050+pkg21~ubuntu20.04.1_all.deb

Getting started with Papirus icon theme on Linux Mint 20

Open the Application Menu and search for the ‘Themes’ utility.

Open the ‘Themes’ utility and click on ‘Icons.’

Select any Papirus icon theme variant as per your choice.

The icon theme will be updated successfully.


Papirus is a very popular icon theme available for Linux. Linux Mint 20 is customizable, and you have got the freedom to change and update the themes. The Papirus theme can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the PPA repository, installer script, and Debian package. This article explains the Papirus icon theme installation on Linux Mint 20 using all possible methods.

How to Install Atom Text Editor on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-atom-text-editor-linux-mint/ Thu, 25 Feb 2021 07:07:59 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91512
Developed by GitHub, Atom is a multi-platform and open-source text editor. Atom offers a lot of features like autocompletion, multiple panes, and highlighting of syntax. Moreover, Git is embedded in the Atom text editor.

Atom can be installed on Linux Mint 20 using the official Debian package and Atom’s repository. Moreover, Atom is also available from the snap application manager.

Installing Atom on Linux Mint 20 using the Debian package

Atom is not included in the Linux Mint 20 standard repositories. However, it can be installed using Atom’s official Debian package. Open your browser and visit Atom’s official webpage (https://atom.io/).

Click on ‘Downloads .deb’ to download Atom’s Debian package.

Choose ‘Save File’ and click ‘OK’.

The Debian package will be downloaded and saved in the ‘Downloads’ directory.

Once the Debian package is downloaded successfully, open the terminal window and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory with the command:

$ cd Downloads

Now, update the apt repository with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Next, execute the below-given command to install the Atom text editor using the Debian package:

$ sudo apt install ./atom-amd64.deb

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Atom.

Once the Atom text editor is successfully installed, verify the installation with the command:

$ Atom --version

At the time of preparing this guide, the latest version of Atom is 1.54.0. Atom 1.54.0 is successfully installed on my Linux Mint 20 system.

Installing Atom on Linux Mint 20 from Atom repository

In this method, we will add the Atom official repository to the source list. The Atom will be updated automatically whenever we will update the apt repository.

Complete the below-given steps to install Atom on Linux Mint 20:

Step 1: Import GPG key

Fire up the terminal and import the GPG key with the command:

$ wget -q https://packagecloud.io/AtomEditor/atom/gpgkey -O- | sudo apt-key add

OK indicates that the key is imported successfully.

Step 2: Add Atom repository

Next, add the Atom repository in the sources list with the command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://packagecloud.io/AtomEditor/atom/any/ any main"

Step 3: Update apt repository

Once the Atom repository is added to the sources list successfully, update the apt repository:

$ sudo apt update

The apt repository is updated successfully, and we are ready to install Atom.

Step 4: Install an Atom text editor

Type the below-given command to install Atom text editor:

$ sudo apt install atom

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Atom from the repository.

Once the Atom text editor is installed, check the installed version with the command:

$ Atom --version

Installing Atom via snap

Snap is a universal package manager and comes disabled on Linux Mint 20. To install Atom via snap, first, enable snap on Linux Mint 20

First, remove the nosnap.pref file with the command:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Now update the apt repository and install the snapd on Linux Mint 20 with the commands:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install snapd

Once the snap is enabled and installed, install the Atom text editor:

$ sudo snap install Atom --classic

Getting started with Atom

Open the Application Menu and search for Atom.

The Atom text editor is ready for use.

Remove Atom from Linux Mint 20

If you have installed the Atom using the Debian package or official repository, then you can remove the Atom with apt command as follows:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove atom

Press ‘y’ to continue removing Atom.

If you have installed Atom via snap, then type the below-given command to remove it:

$ sudo snap remove atom

The Atom code editor will be removed successfully.


Atom is an open-source and multi-platform text editor. It can be installed on Linux Mint 20 using the Debian package, official repository, and snap. Atom offers a lot of useful features, including autocompletion and syntax highlighting.

How to Create a WiFi Hotspot in Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/create-wifi-hotspot-linux-mint/ Thu, 25 Feb 2021 06:50:46 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91586
The WiFi Hotspot allows us to connect the same and heterogeneous devices wirelessly to the Internet. Using the WiFi Hotspot, files can be easily shared with other devices. In this guide, you will learn how to create a WiFi Hotspot in Linux Mint 20.

Creating WiFi Hotspot in Linux Mint 20

Before creating the WiFi Hotspot in Linux Mint 20, make sure that your system is connected to the internet.

Perform the below-given steps to create a WiFi Hotspot on Linux Mint 20:

1. Open the Application Menu and search for ‘Advanced Network Configuration’.

2. Open the ‘Advanced Network Configuration’ application. Click on the ‘+’ button to create a WiFi Hotspot.

3. Choose WiFi from the given list of Connection Types and click ‘Create’.

4. Next, we need to configure the WiFi Hotspot. Enter the Connection Name in the ‘Connection Name’ and ‘SSID’ fields you wish to set. Moreover, in the mode section, select ‘WiFi’. You will see the option that displays your network card’s physical address in the’ Device’ menu. Choose the wireless network card, and the initial configuration is performed.

5. Next, click the ‘WiFi-Security’ tab, and from the given list of security options, choose ‘WPA & WPA2 Personal’. Enter the password key for your Hotspot.

6. Further, click on ‘IPV4 Settings’ and ensure that the method is set to ‘Shared to other computers.’

Click on ‘Save,’ and the WiFi Hotspot configuration will be saved.

The WiFi Hotspot is created successfully.


Creating the WiFi Hotspot is a very easy and straightforward process on Linux Mint 20. By creating the WiFi Hotspot, we can easily share the files with the other system connected to the same network. This guide explains the WiFi Hotspot creation on Linux Mint 20.

How to install Mono on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-mono-linux-mint/ Thu, 25 Feb 2021 00:25:37 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91470
Mono is a popular and open-source platform for creating multi-platform applications. It helps the developers to build efficient and reliable applications that can run on multiple platforms. Mono is Microsoft’s .NET compatible and based on EMCS.

Mono can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the synaptic package manager, command line, and mono official repositories.

Installing Mono on Linux Mint 20 from synaptic package manager

Synaptic is a GUI-based tool for apt package management. It is mostly used in Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint. It allows us to install, remove and update the packages easily. Anything that we can do with the apt command can be done with synaptic. It comes pre-installed in Linux Mint 20.

Click on the Application Menu, search for Synaptic. It requires authentication; enter your password and click ‘Authenticate’.

The Synaptic’s dashboard screen will appear.

Click on the search icon and search for ‘mono-complete’.

The mono-complete package will appear, select this package and right-click on it. Choose an option ‘Mark for installation’ from the given options.

Mono requires some additional packages to install. The Synaptic Package Manager will show the detail of all the additional packages. Once you go through the details of all additional packages, click on ‘Mark’, and all the packages will be marked for the installation.

Moreover, the Synaptic Package Manager will list all the marked changes and present all the packages’ summaries. After reading the summary, click on ‘Apply’.

All the packages will be downloaded one by one.

If you are interested in viewing the individual files during the downloading process, click on ‘Show individual files’.

Once the downloading is complete, the installation of all the packages will be started automatically.

Lastly, the Synaptic package manager will display a message that all the packages are installed, and changes are applied successfully. Click ‘Close’ to close the message window.

Once Mono is successfully installed, fire up the terminal and run the below-given command to verify the installation and check the installed version:

$ mono --version

The output shows that Mono is successfully installed on my Linux Mint 20 system.

Installing Mono on Linux Mint 20 from the command line using apt

Mono is an open-source tool, and it is included in Linux Mint 20 official repositories. If you do not wish to install Mono from the Synaptic Package Manager, it can also be installed from the command line.

Fire up the terminal and update the apt cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Now, type the below-given command to install Mono from the standard repository:

$ sudo apt install mono-complete

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Mono on Linux Mint 20.

Installing Mono on Linux Mint 20 from the Mono official repositories

More often, the standard repositories do not maintain the latest version of software applications. If you want to install the latest version of Mono on your Linux Mint 20, then it is a recommended method for you.

Complete the below-given steps to install Mono on Linux Mint 20 from Mono official repositories:

Step 1: Update apt listing and install the required dependencies

First, update the apt listing with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Now, install the required dependencies with the command:

$ sudo apt install gnupg ca-certificates

The required dependencies are installed successfully.

Step 2: Import the GPG Key

Next, import the GPG key of Mono repository with the command:

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF

Step 3: Add the Mono repository

Next, import the GPG key of the Mono repository with the command:

$ echo “deb https://download.mono-project.com/repo/ubuntu stable-focal main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list

The Mono repository is added successfully.

Step 4: Install Mono on Linux Mint 20

Now, we are ready to install Mono on Linux Mint 20 from the Mono official repositories. First, update the apt cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Next, install Mono using the command:

$ sudo apt install mono-complete

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Mono.

The mono-complete package will install the development tools, libraries, and runtime environment.

Step 5: Verify the installation

Once the Mono is installed, run the below-given command to verify the installation and check the installed version:

$ mono --version

As the official repositories maintain the latest version of the application, therefore the Mono latest version is installed on my Linux Mint 20.


Mono is a tool for developing multi-platform applications. It is based on .NET and installed on Linux Mint 20 from the apt, synaptic package manager, and Mono official repositories. This post explains the installation of Mono on Linux Mint 20 from three different methods.

How to Install Git on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-git-linux-mint/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:31:05 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91330

Git, developed by Linus Torvalds, is the most popular distributed system for version control. Git is a very efficient platform for open-source projects. Using Git, you can collaborate with the other developers, upload the new changes, keep track of the changes, and many more.

Installing Git on Linux Mint

The Git is included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories can be installed easily using the apt command.

As always, update and upgrade your Linux Mint 20 system before installing the Git package.

Type the below-given command to update the apt package listing:

$ sudo apt update

Next, upgrade the system with the command:

$ sudo apt upgrade

After successfully updating and upgrading the Linux Mint 20 system, install Git with the command:

$ sudo apt install git

Press ‘y’ to continue installing Git.

When the Git is successfully installed, verify the installation:

$ git --version

Git 2.25.1 is successfully installed on my Linux Mint 20.

Configuring the Git on Linux Mint 20

Next, we have to configure Git. The Git can be configured from the command line. Configuring Git refers to setting a name and email address. The name and email are used while committing changes on the Git repository.

Fire up the terminal and use the below-given command syntax to set a global commit name:

$ git config –global user.name <“Your Name”>

Type the below-given command to set the global commit email:

$ git config –global user.email <“Your Email”>

Finally, when the global commit name and email are set, run the below-given command to check and verify the changes:

$ git config --list

The output shows that the global commit name and email are sent successfully.

If the changes are not made correctly, or you want to change the global commit name and email any time, then you can edit the configuration settings any time by using the command:

$ sudo nano ~/.gitconfig

The Git configuration file is opened in the nano editor. You can make any changes in the Git configuration file if you wish to.


Installing Git on Linux Mint 20 is very straightforward. Git is part of the Linux Mint 20 base repositories and can be downloaded and installed with apt command.

How to Install VirtualBox on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-virtualbox-linux-mint/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:17:51 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91342

Developed and maintained by Oracle, VirtualBox is a multi-platform, open-source hypervisor that enables us to run multiple virtual machines as a guest operating system on a single host. VirtualBox is more often used for testing and development purposes.

VirtualBox can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the standard repositories and Oracle’s official VirtualBox repository.

Installing VirtualBox on Linux Mint 20 from the standard repositories

As VirtualBox is a popular and open-source tool, it is included in the Linux Mint 20 standard repositories. Fire up the terminal and update the apt cache as it is recommended to do so before installing any new application:

$ sudo apt update

Next, install the VirtualBox and the extension pack with the command:

$ sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack

Press ‘y’ to continue installing VirtualBox.

While installing VirtualBox, you will see the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PEUL). Read the license agreement carefully, choose ‘OK’ and press the enter key.

If you accept the VirtualBox PUEL license terms, select ‘Yes’ and press enter key.

The VirtualBox will be successfully installed on your Linux Mint 20 system.

To verify the installation, click on Application Menu and search for VirtualBox. You will find the VirtualBox application in Application Menu.

Installing VirtualBox on Linux Mint 20 from the Oracle repositories

As of writing this post, the newest version of VirtualBox is 6.1.

Complete the below-given steps to install VirtualBox on Linux Mint 20 from the Oracle repositories:

Step 1: Import VirtualBox key

Fire up the terminal and import the Oracle VirtualBox’s public key on your Linux Mint 20 system using the command:

$ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox_2016.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

The above-given command requires the sudo privileges, enter the sudo password, and the key will be imported successfully. The ‘OK’ confirms that the key is imported.

Step 2: Add VirtualBox repository

Next, add the VirtualBox repository to your Linux Mint 20 system:

$ echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian focal contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list

Step 3: Install VirtualBox

First, update the apt listing with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Now, install the VirtualBox with the command:

$ sudo apt install virtualbox-6.1

Press ‘y’ to continue installing VirtualBox.

The VirtualBox will be installed on your system.

Once the VirtualBox is installed, verify the VirtualBox installation with the command:

$ sudo systemctl status vboxdrv

The above-given command checks the VirtualBox Linux Kernel module service status. The output shows that the VirtualBox is successfully installed, and the service is active.

Getting started with VirtualBox

Click on the Application Menu, and search for the VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is ready for use.


This post has learned about installing VirtualBox on Linux Mint 20 from the Linux Mint 20 standard repositories and Oracle’s official repository.  VirtualBox is a hypervisor that allows us to run multiple virtual machines on a single host machine simultaneously. It is designed and maintained by Oracle.

How to Install and Use Visual Studio Code on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-visual-studio-code-linux-mint/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:17:25 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91359

Developed by Microsoft, Visual Studio (VS) Code is a multi-platform, modern, and comprehensive code editor. The Visual Studio Code supports TypeScript, Node.JS, JavaScript by default. Moreover, a plethora of extensions are available for visual studio code, enabling us to support other programming languages like C, C++, GO, etc. The Visual Studio Code is available as a Debian package, flatpak package, and snap application.

Installing Visual Studio Code on Linux Mint 20 from the Debian package

To download the VS Code official Debian package, open your browser and visit the VS Code webpage (https://code.visualstudio.com/Download).

The VS code Debian package, is available for Linux. Click on the Debian package to download it.

Next, choose ‘Save File’ and click on ‘OK’.

The VS, code Debian package, will be downloaded in the ‘Downloads’ directory.

Once the Debian package is downloaded, fire up the terminal and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory with the command:

$ cd Downloads

Next, update the apt cache because it is recommended to update the apt cache before installing any new application:

$ sudo apt update

Type the below-given command to install the VS code .deb package:

$ sudo apt install ./code_1.52.1-1608136922_amd64.deb

When the VS code is successfully installed, verify the installation and check the installed version using the command:

$ code --version

The VS code 1.52.1 is successfully installed on my Linux Mint 20.

Installing Visual Studio Code on Linux Mint 20 from the snap application manager

Snap is the universal package manager for various Linux distribution. However, it is disabled on Linux Mint 20 by default. To install VS Code from the snap application manager, we need to enable and install the snapd on Linux Mint 20.

Before installing snap on Linux Mint 20, remove the nosnap.pref file with the command:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Next, update the apt cache and install the snapd with the commands:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install snapd

To install VS Code from the snap application manager, execute the command:

$ sudo snap install code --classic

Verify the installation using the command:

$ snap info code

Installing Visual Studio Code flatpak package on Linux Mint 20

Flatpak is also a package manager for Linux. It comes pre-installed on Linux Mint 20.

Fire up the terminal and update the apt cache before installing the Visual Studio Code flatpak package:

$ sudo apt update

Now, install the Visual Studio Code flatpak package with the command:

$ sudo flatpak install flathub com.visualstudio.code

The Visual Studio Code flatpak package is successfully installed.

Press ‘y’ to continue installing the Visual Studio Code flatpak package.

Getting started with Visual Studio Code

Once you have installed the Visual Studio Code application using any of the described methods, click on the Application Menu and search for Visual Studio Code.

Open the Visual Studio Code application, and a dashboard screen will appear. The default theme of Visual Studio Code is dark, but it can be changed as well.

To change the theme, click on File, choose preferences and select ‘Color Theme’.

Select the theme for the given list of themes.

The theme will be updated successfully.

To create a new file, press ctrl+n and start using Visual Studio Code.


Visual Studio Code is a free and popular code editor. It is a multi-platform tool installed on Linux Mint 20 through the Debian package, flatpak, and snap application manager. It provides a wide variety of extensions that enable us to use famous programming languages. This post explains the Visual Studio Code installation on Linux Mint 20.

How to Install and Use PulseAudio-Equalizer on Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-pulseaudio-equalizer-linux-mint/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:08:49 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91311

The PulseAudio is an open-source volume control and audio effects tool. It allows us to control and tune the audio settings. The PulseAudio Equalizer has a multi-band interface. Therefore, you can easily adjust the slider when the audio is playing.

As PulseAudio is a popular open-source tool, it is included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories installed from there. Moreover, it can also be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the external PPA repository.

This post explains the installation of PulseAudio-Equalizer on Linux Mint.

Installing PulseAudio on Linux Mint 20 from the standard repositories

Open the terminal window, and first, update the apt listing with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Type the below-given command to install PulseAudio on Linux Mint 20 from the standard repositories:

$ sudo apt install pulseaudio-equalizer

Press ‘y’ to continue installing PulseAudio.

Once the PulseAudio is installed, verify the installation with the command:

$ pulseaudio --version

The Pulseaudio 13.99.1 is successfully installed on my Linux Mint 20.

The PulseAudio offers many extra modules included in Linux Mint 20 standard repositories and can be installed easily with apt command.

Installing PulseAudio-Equalizer on Linux Mint 20 from the PPA repository

The PPA repositories are created and maintained by the developers. Fire up the terminal and perform the following steps to install PulseAudio from the PPA repository:

Step 1: Add PulseAudio PPA repository

First, add the PulseAudio PPA repository using the command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

The PulseAudio PPA repository will be added successfully.

Step 2: Update apt-cache

Once the PPA repository is added successfully, update the apt cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 3: Install PulseAudio

Next, install the PulseAudio with the command:

$ sudo apt install pulseaudio-equalizer

Press ‘y’ to continue installing PulseAudio.

Getting started and configuring the PulseAudio-Equalizer

Once you have installed PulseAudio using any recommended method, open the PulseAudio tool with the command:

$ qpaeq

While opening the PulseAudio tool, you may encounter the error stating that some modules are missing. In this case, open the PulseAudio’s configuration file with the command:

$ sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa

Add the below-given lines at the bottom of the/etc/pulse/default.pa file.

load-module module-equalizer-sink

load-module module-dbus-protocol

Save the file and exit the nano editor by pressing ctrl+x.

Next, kill the PulseAudio service and restart it:

$ pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start

Now, open the PulseAudio with the command:

$ qpaeq

The PulseAudio-Equalizer is ready for use.

How to remove PulseAudio-Equalizer

At any point, if you wish to remove PulseAudio from Linux Mint 20, then type the below-given command to do so:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove pulseaudio-equalizer

Press ‘y’ to continue removing PulseAudio Equalizer.

The PulseAudio Equalizer will be removed successfully.


PulseAudio Equalizer is a free and open-source tool for volume control. It is part of Linux Mint 20 standard repositories and can be installed with apt command. Moreover, it is also available from an external PPA repository. This article shows the PulseAudio Equalizer installation on Linux Mint 20 system from the standard and PPA repositories.

How to Enable Snap Applications Support in Linux Mint 20 (Recommended Method) https://linuxhint.com/enable-snap-applications-support-linux-mint/ Wed, 24 Feb 2021 05:21:12 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=91206
Snap is a package manager for Linux-based distributions, and snaps refer to the application packages that are available for IoT, cloud, and desktop. Snaps are multi-platform, easy to install, secure, and dependency-free applications. One of the biggest advantages of snap applications is that they update automatically.

On Linux Mint 20, the snap support is disabled by default. There could be a situation that you are interested in installing any particular application, and the application version is only available from the snap application manager. In this situation, you will require to enable and install the snap-on Linux Mint 20.

Enabling snap application support in Linux Mint 20

Initially, if you try to install the snap-in Linux Mint 20, you will get the error.

To enable snap on Linux Mint 20, we need to delete the /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref file.

Fire up the terminal and remove the nosnap.pref file with the command:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Once the nosnap.pref file is removed, update the apt cache using the command:

$ sudo apt update

Next, we are ready to install the snapd with the command:

$ sudo apt install snapd

Once the snap is successfully installed, verify the installation and check the installed version with the command:

$ snap version

The output shows that snap 2.48 is installed.

Installing the snap packages in Linux Mint 20

Now, we have enabled and installed the snap-in Linux Mint; therefore, we can install any application on Linux Mint 20 which is available from the snap application manager as follows:

$ sudo snap install <application-name>

Let’s install the popular VLC media player snap application on Linux Mint:

$ sudo snap install vlc

Remove the snapd from Linux Mint 20

At any point, if you wish to remove the snapd application manager from your Linux Mint 20 system, type the below-given command to do so:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove snapd

Press ‘y’ to continue removing the snap application manager.


Snap comes disabled on Linux Mint 20 by default. Therefore, we need to enable and install the snap manually on Linux Mint 20. This post explains the recommended method for enabling and installing snap on Linux Mint 20.

How to Install Slack on Linux Mint 20? https://linuxhint.com/install-slack-on-linux-mint-20/ Fri, 19 Feb 2021 01:08:00 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=90218
Slack is a popular collaboration tool and arranges communication in channels. It is explicitly designed for professional environments and is used by many professionals around the globe. By using Slack, you can create channels for teams to ensure effective communication. Moreover, it enables us to search the previous conversation, share documents, and make video and audio calls.

This post explains the two methods of installing Slack on Linux Mint 20. Slack is available as a snap application and can also be installed from the Debian package.

Installing Slack on Linux Mint 20 from the Debian package

First, visit the Slack official webpage (https://slack.com/intl/en-pk/downloads/linux) and download the Slack .deb package.

Next, choose the ‘Save File’ and click ‘OK’. The .deb file will then be downloaded and stored in the ‘Downloads’ directory.

Then, fire up the terminal and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory with the command:

$ cd Downloads

Before installing Slack, update the apt cache as it is always advisable to update apt cache before installing any new application:

$ sudo apt update

Now, we are ready to install Slack with the command:

$ sudo apt install ./slack-desktop-4.12.2-amd64.deb

Once the Slack is successfully installed, verify the installation and check the installed version with the command:

$ slack --version

The output shows that Slack 4.12.2 is installed on my Linux Mint 20.

Installing Slack on Linux Mint 20 from the Snap application manager

Snap is a package manager for Linux distributions and comes disabled by default on Linux Mint 20. To install Slack from the Snap application manager, we need to enable and install the Snap manually on Linux Mint 20.

Fire up the terminal and type the below-given command to remove the nosnap.pref file:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Install the snapd using the command:

$ sudo apt install snapd

Next, install the Slack from the Snap store by executing on the terminal:

$ sudo snap install slack --classic

Once the Slack is installed from the Snap store, verify the installation with the command:

$ sudo snap info slack

The output confirms that Slack is successfully installed from the Snap store.

Getting Started with Slack

Once you have successfully installed Slack on Linux Mint 20 using any above-mentioned method, click on ‘Application Menu’ and search for Slack.

Click on the ‘Slack’ application icon to open it. Sign In to Slack if you have an existing account, otherwise, create a new account by clicking on ‘Create a new workspace’.

If you intend to create a new account, the Slack Sign Up form will be opened in your default web browser. Enter the email in the given field and click Continue.

Slack will send you a confirmation code on the provided email address. Once you enter the confirmation code and the authentication is done, the Slack dashboard screen will appear.

Next, enter the company details and start using Slack for effective communication and collaboration.

Moreover, you can also create as many channels as you want and you can send direct messages to the people of your team.


Slack is a very efficient tool for effective communication and collaboration. It is specially designed for the working environment. The Slack can be installed on Linux Mint 20 from the .deb package and Snap store. This post describes the installation of Slack on Linux Mint 20.

How to check the disk space in Ubuntu 20.04 and 20.10? https://linuxhint.com/check-the-disk-space-in-ubuntu-20-04-20-10-2/ Sun, 14 Feb 2021 04:25:25 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=89882
Monitoring the disk space is a very important activity to perform on any device like mobile, laptop, personal desktop computer, and Linux server. For instance, if you want to install any new application or software on your device, then it is important to know about the disk space. By checking the disk space, you can get to know about the free and used space.

We can check the disk space from the terminal and graphical user interface based applications.

The commands discussed in this article are generic and can be used on other Linux distribution like Debian, Linux Mint, etc.

Checking the Disk Space from the Terminal

There are many useful commands for checking the disk space from the terminal. In this section, we will discuss the df and du commands.

Using the df command to check the disk space:

The df (Disk Filesystem) command comes pre-installed on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 20.10, and many other different Linux based operating system. The df command shows the information of various file systems. Moreover, we can use multiple options with it.

Let’s check the disk space using the df command as follows:

$ df

The df command shows the total used and available space. Moreover, it also shows the total used space in terms of percentage. In the above-given output, the system’s actual disk is /dev/sda5. The df command shows the disk information in 1k-blocks, and it is very difficult to interpret the output. We can use the -h option with the df command to display the disk space information in a human-readable way, as illustrated in the below image:

$ df -h

The df -h command shows the disk space in gigabytes. In the above-given output, it can be seen that in the in /dev/sda file system, the total size of the disk is 29 gigabytes, whereas the used and available space is 13 and 15 gigabytes, respectively.

Using the du command to check the disk space:

The du command stands for Disk Usage. It shows the disk information of every directory and subdirectory. Let’s execute the following du command:

$ du

The size of directories of subdirectories is displayed in 1k-block.

The –h options can also be used with the du command to display the disk information in a human-readable way, as shown below:

$ du -h

The du -h command shows the disk usage in kilobytes and megabytes.

Checking the Disk Space from the Graphical Applications

Checking the disk space using the graphical user interface based applications is very easy in Ubuntu 20.04 and 20.10. There are two graphical applications for checking disk space, i.e., Disk Usage Analyzer and Disks.

Using the disk usage analyzer application:

Open the ‘Application Menu’ and search for the disk usage analyzer application.

Click on the ‘Disk Usage Analyzer’ application icon to open it. You will see the actual disk with ‘Available’ and ‘Total space’. Click on the disk to see more details.

Using the disk utility:

The Disk GNOME utility comes pre-installed in Ubuntu 20.04 and 20.10. Search for ‘Disks’ in the ‘Application Menu’ and open it.

The ‘Disks’ utility shows the total size of the disk and the free disk space.


Checking the disk space is a very important activity for smooth system usage. In Ubuntu 20.04, 20.10, and many Linux distributions, we can check the disk space from the command-line and graphically. This article explains the commands and graphical applications for checking the system disk usage.

How to Download Files from the Command Line Using the Wget Command? https://linuxhint.com/download-files-from-command-line-using-wget-commands/ Thu, 11 Feb 2021 08:22:42 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=89619
The Wget is a command-line utility that is used to download files and webpages from the web. Various internet protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP can be used to access and retrieve the files. We can specify the different options with the Wget command in order to perform different options.

This article explains the use of the Wget command to download the file from the command-line. Moreover, we have explained the use of various common options with their practical examples too.

Install Wget Command:

The Wget command comes pre-installed on many Linux-based distributions, including Ubuntu. To verify either the Wget command is installed on your system or not, open up the terminal and execute the following command:

$ wget --version

The output confirms that the Wget command is installed on my system. However, if the Wget command is not installed, then you can install it on your Ubuntu and other Debian based systems with the command below:

$ sudo apt install wget

Syntax of Wget Command:

First, let’s discuss the syntax of the command. The syntax of the Wget command is as follows:

$ wget [options] [url]

Multiple options can be used with the wget command. The url refers to the address of the file that we need to download.

Downloading the Files Using the Wget Command:

The simplest form of the Wget command is to use it without specifying any options. The Wget command downloads the files from the given url in the current working directory. For instance, let’s download the Skype Debian package with the appended Wget command below:

$ wget https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

The Wget command sends the HTTP request and downloads the Debian package in the current directory.

In addition, it displays the progress bar, file size, download speed, etc.

Saving the Downloaded File with a Different Name:

Normally, the files are downloaded and saved with the original name. But, the Wget command allows us to rename the files before downloading using the –O option. After the –O option, we need to specify the filename:

$ wget -O Skype https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

The Skype package name has changed to ‘Skype’.

Downloading the File in a Specific Directory:

As previously discussed, the files are saved in a current working directory. Nevertheless, the downloaded files can be saved in any other specific directory using the –p option. Let’s download the file and save it in the ‘Downloads’ directory with the below-given command:

$ wget -P /home/linux/Downloads https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

The skypeforlinux-64.deb file is successfully downloaded and saved in the ‘Downloads’ directory.

Setting the Download Speed:

We can set a specific download speed for a file with the –limit-rate option. The downloading speed is measured in bytes/second by default. However, we can set the downloading speed in kilobytes (k), megabytes (m), and gigabytes (g).

$ wget –limit-rate=500k https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

In the above-given command, the downloading speed is limited to 500 kilobytes per second.

Resuming an Interrupted Download:

If the downloading is interrupted, then you can easily resume it with the -c option.

I have interrupted a download by pressing ctrl-c. Let’s resume this download with the appended command:

$ wget -c https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

Downloading the Multiple Files:

By using the Wget command, we can download multiple files as well. Store the file’s URLs in a text file whereas each URL starts on a new line. Use the -i option and specify the text file name next to it.

Let’s download the Linux Kernel 5.10 file.

$ wget -i file.txt

Both the Linux kernel files are downloaded successfully.

Downloading in the Background:

You can put your downloading process in the background with the -b option. Ideally, we do it while downloading the big file.

$ wget -b https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

The downloading will be continued in the background.


The Wget is a very useful command-line utility for downloading files from the command-line. It comes pre-installed on Ubuntu 20.04 and many Linux distributions. With the Wget command, we can download the files, save them with different names, save them in any other specified directory rather than the current working directory, and many more.

How to fix sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found error on Linux Ubuntu https://linuxhint.com/fix-sudo-add-apt-repository-command-not-found-error-linux-ubuntu/ Thu, 11 Feb 2021 04:11:58 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=89564
The software applications can be installed on Ubuntu and Debian systems in many ways. The one common way to install applications is through the Personal Package Archive (PPA) Repository. The PPA’s are the external repositories that are created and maintained by developers.

The add-apt-repository command is used in the following way to add a PPA repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa: name/ppa

The sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found is a common error that we encounter while adding a PPA repository.

Fixing sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found error

This error is simple, and you face it when the specific package which allows you to add the external repositories is not installed on your system. To fix this error, we need to install the software-properties-common package because the add-apt-repository command is included in this package.

Fire up the terminal and complete the below-given steps to install the software-properties-common package.

Step 1: Update the repository

Execute the given-below command to update the system’s repository:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Install the software-properties-common package

Next, install the software-properties-common package with the command:

The software-properties-common package will be successfully installed.

Step 3: Add the PPA repository

Now, the add-apt-repository: command not found error is fixed, and you are ready to add any PPA repository. As an example, let’s add the LibreOffice repository and install it:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install libreoffice

Alright! That’s it. The PPA repository is successfully added to the system, and LibreOffice is successfully installed.


The add-apt-repository: command not found is a very common error that you may encounter while adding the external or PPA repository to the Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, and many other Debian based systems. The add-apt-repository command is included in the software-properties-common package, and the error occurs due to the absence of this package. We can fix this error by installing the software-properties-common package.

How to Check the Linux Kernel Version? https://linuxhint.com/check-the-linux-kernel-version/ Tue, 02 Feb 2021 19:48:51 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=88842

The Kernel is the essential component of any operating system because it manages the processes, resources, and provides a mechanism for communication between software and hardware. There are many Kernel versions available; you could face situations where you’ll have to check the version of the installed Linux kernel on your Linux system. For example, if you want to debug the hardware issue, then you will be interested in checking the Linux Kernel version.

This post presents various commands to check the installed Linux Kernel version on your Linux system. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 for preparing this article and executing the command. The commands used in this article are generic and can be used on other Linux based operating systems like Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian, etc.

Check the Linux Kernel version with the uname command

uname command displays the system information. To check the Linux Kernel installed version, type the below-given command:

$ uname -r

The output shows that the Linux Kernel version 5.10.0-051000 is installed on my Ubuntu 20.04 system. The explanation of the Kernel version is as follows:

5- Kernel version

10-Major revision

0-Minor revision

051000-Patch number

Whereas, the generic confirms that I am using the desktop version of Kernel.

Check Linux Kernel version using the dmesg command

The basic purpose of the dmesg command is to write the Kernel messages. It is also used for checking the Kernel version. Run the dmesg commands with the sudo privileges in the following way to check the Kernel version:

$ dmesg | grep Linux

Check Linux Kernel version using the hostnamectl command

The hostnamectl is a very useful command that is primarily used to change the system hostname. Additionally, it also shows the Kernel version.

$ hostnamectl

Specifically, to only check the Kernel version, use the grep command with hostnamectl:

$ hostnamectl | grep -i kernel

Check Linux Kernel version using the /proc/version file

The proc file system is a virtual file system that is created when the system is started, and it vanishes when the system shutdown. In the /proc file system, the Linux Kernel information is stored in the version file. The cat command can be used for printing the version file system content.

Type the below-given command to check the Linux Kernel version:

$ cat /proc/version


The article explains the various commands that we can use to check the installed Linux Kernel version. These commands work on various Linux distributions like Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Linux Mint, etc.

How to Install LibreOffice on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20 https://linuxhint.com/install-libreoffice-ubuntu-linux-mint/ Tue, 02 Feb 2021 19:31:57 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=88823

LibreOffice is a free, multi-platform, and open-source office suite used by millions of organizations and people worldwide.  LibreOffice is full of features and boosts your productivity to perform your personal as well as official tasks. The LibreOffice suite comprises many useful applications like a word processor, spreadsheet, and drawing & presentation applications.

LibreOffice can be installed on Ubuntu and Linux Mint from the Software Center, standard repository, snap application manager, and PPA repository.

We are using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for executing the commands and displaying the installation procedure.

Installing LibreOffice on Ubuntu and Linux Mint from the standard repository

The LibreOffice is included in Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04 standard repositories. Fire up the terminal and update the apt cache before installing LibreOffice:

$ sudo apt update

Now, install the LibreOffice suite with the command:

$ sudo apt install libreoffice

Press ‘y’ to continue installing LibreOffice.

Once LibreOffice is installed, check the installed version with the command:

$ libreoffice --version

Installing LibreOffice on Ubuntu and Linux Mint from PPA repository

The PPA repositories often contain the latest release of software applications. Complete the below-given steps to install LibreOffice from the PPA repository:

Step 1: Add LibreOffice PPA repository

Fire up the terminal and add the LibreOffice PPA repository with the command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice

Press ‘Enter’ to continue adding the LibreOffice PPA repository.

Step 2: Update system’s cache

Update the system’s apt repository cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 3: Install LibreOffice

Update the system’s apt repository cache with the command:

$ sudo apt install libreoffice

Press ‘y’ to continue installing the LibreOffice from the PPA repository.

Verify the installed version using the command:

$ libreoffice --version

The output shows that LibreOffice is installed on my Ubuntu 20.04 system, the latest version.

Installing LibreOffice on Ubuntu and Linux Mint from snap

Snap is an application manager that is developed by Canonical. Ubuntu 20.04 has snap by default. In the case of Linux Mint 20, the snap is blocked by default. To enable and install snap on Linux Mint 20, we need to delete the nosnap.pref file using the command:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Next, update the apt cache and install snap using the command:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install snapd

Next, type the below-given command to install the LibreOffice via snap:

$ sudo snap install libreoffice

Moreover, verify the installation using the command:

$ snap info libreoffice

Installing LibreOffice on Ubuntu from Ubuntu Software Center

All the above-described methods use the command line to install LibreOffice. If you are interested in installing LibreOffice by using the graphical user interface, it is the recommended method for you.

Open the Ubuntu Software Center.

Search the LibreOffice.

Select the LibreOffice application and click on ‘Install’.

Authentication is required for installing LibreOffice. Enter the password and click on ‘Authenticate’.

The LibreOffice suite will be installed.


LibreOffice is a popular office suite that includes many useful applications. We can install LibreOffice on Linux distros like Linux Mint and Ubuntu from various methods. This post describes the installation of LibreOffice on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04.

How I Switched from Windows 10 to Linux Mint? https://linuxhint.com/switch-from-windows10-to-linux-mint/ Wed, 13 Jan 2021 00:27:30 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=85424 This article explains the reasons and process to switch from Windows 10 to the latest Linux Mint version, which is Linux Mint 20 Ulyana.
I was using Microsoft Windows for almost 10 years. As of January 2020, Microsoft has terminated the support for windows. I had the option to use windows 7 by paying for Windows 7 Extended Security Updates or upgrade to Windows 10 for free. But I was not interested to upgrade from Windows 7 to 10. Now, I have decided to move to the Linux based operating systems rather than Microsoft Windows.

The first question that arose in my mind is which Linux Distro will fulfill my needs in terms of professional and personal use. Some of the Linux distros are fine for professional use, but not meant for personal use like Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Therefore, I was keen on finding the best distro that can be used for professional, as well as personal use, and great community support.

Community support is an important aspect to consider when you are selecting any distro. The reason is that if you face any problem while installing any software applications or doing some configuration, then you can post your problem on the community website, and anyone can give the solution. From various Linux Distros, I selected the following Distros that can fulfill my professional and personal needs and have great community support:

After selecting the Distorts, the next step is to make a list of all the programs and software that you require for your personal and professional use. As I am a professional writer and writes for linuxhint.com, I need a word processor, web browser, Python interpreter (Spyder 3), screen recorder, and video editing tool for my professional use. For my personal use, as I like to watch movies and read books in my free time, I need a media player and PDF reader.

Reason for choosing Linux Mint

The Linux Mint is an efficient Linux distro, and the graphical user interface of Linux Mint is very similar to Microsoft Windows. The Linux Mint’s application menu resembles with Windows 7 application menu.

Any previous Microsoft Windows user can easily adapt to Linux Mint and get familiar with the Linux Mint operating system. So, that was one of the key reasons for the switch from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. Additionally, compared to several other Linux distributions, Linux Mint needs less hardware to run. Linux Mint comes in the following three desktop environments:

  1. Cinnamon Desktop
  2. Mate Desktop
  3. Xfce Desktop

The Cinnamon Desktop is the default desktop for Linux Mint 20. Linux Mint 20 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 Long-term support (LTS) release. Moreover, it is totally free and open source like other Linux distros.

Installing application and packages on Linux Mint

The package management in Linux Mint is done through the apt package manager. So, the applications and packages can be installed using the apt command. Additionally, we can install the applications and packages through the Snap store and synaptic package manager. The terminal is the essential component of the Linux Mint system because by using the terminal, you can install the packages, monitor the system, and manage the disks. Most people say that terminal is the scary part of Linux distros as you need to write a lot of text on the terminal to get things done. But once you become familiar with the Linux terminal, you will find it very easy to perform your professional and personal tasks.

List of pre-installed software in Linux Mint

Much useful software comes pre-installed on Linux Mint 20, like a web browser, medial player, office suite, etc. They are essential applications and help us to perform our daily tasks. Following the list of pre-installed software tools arranged in a category:

Audio and video media player

  • Celluloid (For playing video files)
  • Rhythmbox (For playing audio files)

Web Browser

  • Mozilla Firefox

Text Editors

  • Nano

Word processor

  • LibreOffice suite

Email client

  • Thunderbird mail


  • Document Scanner
  • Drawing
  • Pix

System Management Tools

  • Synaptic Package Manager
  • Update Manager
  • TimeShift utility for taking and restoring system backups
  • System Monitor
  • System Reports
  • Disk Usage Analyzer
  • Driver Manager
  • Power Statistics

Additionally, Python 3.8 comes pre-installed on Linux Mint 20, therefore, you do not need to install it manually if you are a Python developer. All the above-mentioned software applications help us to perform our professional and personal tasks. Moreover, the other external applications can also be installed for use on Linux Mint easily.

For instance, I need to install Open broadcaster software (OBS) studio for screen recording, then I will simply open the terminal window and run the command:

$ sudo apt install obs-studio

That’s it! Now you can observe how easy it is to install external software applications in Linux Mint.

Give Linux Mint a try!

If you are a Windows user and want to shift to Linux based operating system, then give Linux Mint a try, and you will enjoy it.

First, download the latest Linux Mint 20 ISO file from the Linux Mint official website (https://linuxmint.com/download.php) and check out the ‘How to Install Linux Mint 20 from USB’ article from LinuxHint website (https://linuxhint.com/installing_linux_mint_20_from_usb/) to install Linux Mint 20.


Linux Mint is Debian based Linux distro with a very beautiful and attractive user interface. There are several reasons discussed in this article to switch from windows 10 to Linux Mint 20.

What does “git merge –abort” do? https://linuxhint.com/about-git-merge-abort/ Wed, 09 Dec 2020 18:59:25 +0000 https://linuxhint.com/?p=80717 When it comes to version control systems, Git is always at the top of the list. Because of its acceptability among users from multiple backgrounds, there are lots and lots of discussions on the different features that it offers, the issues that arise while using it, and also their possible solutions. There is a very commonly used operation in Git, i.e., “git merge –abort” and today, we will try to find the answer to what does the “git merge –abort” operation does.

Purpose of the “git merge –abort” Operation:

Before understanding the usage of the “git merge –abort” operation, we must realize why do we need such an operation in the first place. As you all know that Git maintains a history of all the different versions of a file or a code; therefore, the different versions that you create are known as Git commits. Also, there is a dedicated current commit, i.e., the version of the file that you are currently working on. At times, you might feel the need to merge a previously committed file with the one you are currently working on.

However, during this merging process, it can happen that any other colleague of yours is also working on the same file. He might discard the changes that you have kept or modify the lines that you have just added to the file. This scenario can lead to a merge conflict in Git. Once a merge conflict in Git arises, and you try to check the status of Git, it will display a message that a merge conflict has occurred. You will not be able to do anything with that particular file until you manage to fix that conflict.

This is where the “git merges –abort” operation comes into play. Basically, you want to go back to the old state where you can have your current version of the file unchanged, and you can start making the changes all over again. In this way, you will ensure that no such conflicts arise again in the future. So the “git merge –abort” operation essentially terminates the merger that you have just carried out and separated the two versions of your file, i.e., the current version and the older version.

In this way, the current version of your file will revert back to the same state as it was before you performed the merge operation, and hence you will be able to restore it without any potential difficulty. However, an important point to be noted here is that the “git merge –abort” operation only works if you have just merged your files and have not committed them yet. If you have already committed to this merger, then the “git merge –abort” operation will no longer serve the purpose; rather, you will have to look for other ways to undo the merger.


By understanding the discussion that we did today, you will easily realize the purpose of the “git merge –abort” operation. This operation not only resolves the merge conflicts that arise before committing a merge but also helps in restoring your files to the same state in which they were before. In this way, your data is not lost, and you can conveniently start working on it all over again.
